Our Differences are Treasures and They’re Also Tools

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Our Differences are Treasures and They’re Also Tools

January 18, 2023 at 1:00 PM - by Oikocredit Canada - 0 comments

Will Postma is the Executive Director at the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), the humanitarian and development arm of the Anglican Church of Canada. His current work with PWRDF is to ensure oversight of operations and programs in maternal and newborn child health, sexual health and reproductive rights and food security. Will has published papers and other learning materials on Participatory Development, Capacity Building and Results Based Management. He has carried out primary research on state and civil society dynamics in West Africa. He has taught, led and facilitated class work in secondary school, college and university settings and is glad for the important social impact investment work of Oikocredit.

1516899577306How did you find out about Oikocredit? 

PWRDF was an investor earlier on, as part of the ecumenical support for Oikocredit and its approach to community support and sustainability. Oikocredit represented a first impact investment for PWRDF and we have grown these further in the past years with other impact investors in Canada.

What is most challenging AND most rewarding about being an Oikocredit Director? 

The most challenging part is staying on top of the many threads of Oikocredit International’s work and for me that means its country programs and innovations, including more recently in renewables.

The most rewarding is to be part of an impressive gallery of technical advisers, staff and volunteers, each of whom is committed to the social and financial empowerment objectives of Oikocredit International.

How do you make your day productive - any habits or apps or tricks? 

I exercise at a nearby community gym or take a brisk walk with our dog in the local ravine (“Hungry Hollow”). In the warmer months, a visit with and watering of our few plants in the garden. I may be dated on this but I carry my yellow paper pad and work through a paper ‘to-do’ list and reminders of what I have to get on top of. It lets me look back at the end of day, and see the work day was a success, and was productive.

What is your idea of the perfect vacation? Have you read any good books recently?

Interior camping at Massassauga Provincial Park, winter camping (ok, sleeping in a yurt) and a full day of cross country skiing / snowshoeing. Also a cycling weekend away with my partners, friends and the beauty of wherever we cycle. 

I’ve also been reading a very good but very emotional book of late, “Five Little Indians” by Michelle Good. I am following this up with “True Reconciliation” by Jody Wilson Raybould. 

Who inspires you? 

Elizabeth May and Barrack and Michelle Obama are all inspiring for their bold and hopeful visions for something better for all of us. Here are some inspirational words from Michelle Obama, from “The Light We Carry,”

“Our differences are treasures and they’re also tools. When we recognize this, not only in ourselves but in the people around us, we begin to rewrite more and more stories of not mattering. We create more space for more people. Celebrate the value of differentness. The stories widen the view on what’s possible. And they also sharpen our understanding of the component parts of being human. Because of them, there’s suddenly more to see. The world we live in begins to appear bigger and more nuanced – a truer reflection of the big and nuanced place that it is.”

Stay Tuned next month as we will get to know another director from the OCSA board.


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